Biznes i Przedsiędsiębiorczość

Expert Meetup | edycja Kraków

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Nowa Wytwórnia Fabryczna 13, Kraków
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Od 18 cze 17:00 do 18 cze 20:15
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Od 0,00 zł

First MeetUp* dedicated for everyone interested in business process automation, digital transformation, IDP and Content IQ solutions.


17:00 - Introduction    

The Process Blindspot: Why Document Processing Alone Won't Fix Your Problems
- Accelerating Business Transformation with Intelligent Document Processing (IDP) and Process Intelligence | presentation in English 
Eduards Putra, ABBYY Europe GmbH 

  1. Intelligent Document Processing (IDP): Beyond Traditional Approaches
  2. Content IQ vs. 'Big Tech': Real-World Business Focus
  3. AI That Works For You: Targeted Solutions, Not Just Buzzwords
  4. Process Intelligence: The 'Why' Behind the Documents
  5. Real-World Impact: case study, examples of implementation in organisations, with particular emphasis on the needs of SSC
18:20 - networking
18:50 LIVE DEMO ABBYY Vantage 
- preparing the system to start working
- how to easily configure the platform to process any type of document | system demonstration in Polish
Krzysztof Lach, expert, practitioner in IDP, OCR, content IQ 
19:30 - networking 

* Free admission, registration required, limited number of places.

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