IT i Nowe technologie Biznes i Przedsiędsiębiorczość Zarządzanie Nauka i Edukacja

Masovian AI Fest #1 - Commercialising Innovation in Business & Academia

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Wydział Fizyki Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego Pasteura 5, Warszawa
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Od 29 lut 18:30 do 29 lut 22:20

To all AI founders, researchers, and enthusiasts!

Join us for an evening of discussions and networking at the intersection of business and academia.

Powered by NVIDIA and the academic community from the University of Warsaw we invite you to discover the untapped power of combining research and market knowledge. 


February 29th, 18:30 - 22:00+


Paustera 5, Faculty of Physics, University of Warsaw, Room 0.06


18:30 - 19:00 Registration

19:00 - 19:20 Keynote Speech 

19:20 - 19:45 Reverse VC Pitch

19:45 - 20:45 Pizza Break & Networking powered by ComeNetworkWith.US

20:45 - 21:30 Discussion Panel on "Chances and shortcomings of the cooperation between academia and business." with:

    • David Sypniewski - Head of AI Open Lab at SWPS University of Social Sciences and Humanities.
    • Michał Pogoda - Co-founder, co-author of 10+ AI research papers  
    • Paweł Gołąb - Founder Million Monkeys Software, University of Warsaw lecturer
    • Sebastian Kondracki - CIO Deviniti, CEO, Advisory Group regarding AI for the Chancellery of Prime Minister 
    • Moderation: Michal Domanski

21:30 - Last Call Afterparty at Kita Koguta (Krucza 6/14)

But wait, there's more! 

Do you want to learn more about AI, and gain much-needed practical knowledge and experience? Stay tuned as our attendees will have the opportunity to receive free teaching kits from our partner NVIDIA.

Event partners:

1) University of Warsaw, SKN AI (Student Scientific Association of Artificial Intelligence)


3) Ontology of Value

4) Doman Network 

6) Come Network With Us

Event Hosts: 

Natalia Bielczyk - Founder & CEO of Ontology of Value. Triple degree in physics, mathematics, and psychology. PhD in computational neuroscience and cognitive neural imaging. For the past 12 years she has been shuttling between the Netherlands and California dealing with knowledge transfer and career development on the scientific and business level.

Jan Kwapisz - PhD in physics, multiple author of research published in scientific journals. Currently a lecturer at the UW on quantum gravity, artificial intelligence, and deep learning. Artificial intelligence leader at Procter&Gamble and Ambassador and trainer of the NVIDIA Deep Learning Institute.

Michal Domanski - MA in economics. Business consultant and matchmaker at Doman.Consulting. Vocal promoter and coach on networking for introverts at Doman.Network. Academic lecturer on startups, and incubation mentor. Member of the AI Working Group of the Software Development Association (SoDA), AI expert for the Polish Investment and Trade Agency (PAIH). 

Dołącz do wydarzenia

Dołącz do wydarzenia
  Rodzaj Bilety dostępne do Liczba
  General Admission

dostępnych: 4

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