馃鈥嶐煉籓OP by Domain Driven Design prism in .NET Workshops馃敟 Part II

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WSiIZ Rzesz贸w
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Od 20 kwi 17:30 do 20 kwi 17:30

Many projects in the .NET world quickly become costly to maintain, even if we care about unit testing and adhere to good practices such as SOLID. These projects use new technologies, but that won't change much.

The problem is not a problem in technology. The problem is how developers transfer real business processes to the virtual world using the object-oriented programming pradigm. These models are often inaccurate, orthodox, which makes their development difficult over time.

OOP by Domain Driven Design prism workshops are a training on how to more accurately model business processes using object-oriented programming. Revamping your understanding of OOP in conjunction with Domain Driven Design techniques.

On the first part our workshops we have focused on Domain Driven Design mindset and theory. In this part we will cover Event Storming process and practical excercises.

Wsiiz Rzesz贸w, RA250a
Kamil Baczek
Wojciech Bielen

Rider + DotCover plugin (Recommended) or Visual Studio 2022 Community

Miro: https://miro.com/app/board/uXjVOl8iwT8=/?share_link_id=399998356754

Cloned Repo: https://github.com/kamilbaczek/Prime-Drive-Domain-...

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