Zurich Business Meeting - Proven GBS potential across verticals (Free of charge)
With great pleasure Adaptive Solutions & Advisory Group invites you to take part in the free of charge Transformation & Business Services meeting in Zurich:
"Proven GBS growth potential across verticals"
Supply Chain, FP&A, Human Resources - from the opportunity to GBS standard
Key points:
- Supply Chain Management - how to drive process efficiency via GBS?
- FP&A - market benchmark for current trends
- Human-centric organization management with qualified HR Service Catalogue
Date: Tuesday, 7th of March, at 3:00 - 8:30 pm (3:00 - 3:45 pm - registration and networking)
Form & place Zurich, CLOUDS Restaurant, Maagplatz 5, Zürich, onsite
Type: business meeting & networking
3:00 - 3:45 Registration and networking
3:45 - 4:00 Welcome and introduction
4:00 - 4:45 Supply Chain
- risks and barriers for changes in supply chain operating model
- large scale consolidation enabling business adaptability
- from data & analytics to digital supply chain strategy
Michael Grosskopf - Senior Chemcial Industry Executive, Former Head of GBS and BU Head at Clariant
Pedro Berrocoso - Independent Business Transformation & Intelligent Process Automation Consultant
Krystian Bestry - President & CEO Adaptive SAG
4:45 - 5:30 FP&A
- key enablers for scalability of FP&A operations
- from reporting factory to support of business decisions
- future aspirations: command centers and work force planning centers
Maciej Kulbat - Center Head at Barry Callebaut Group
Michał Bielawski - MP & CFO Adaptive SAG
5:30 - 6:15 HR:
- challenges in building robust HR Service Catalogue
- key aspects of Human Centric Organization
- HR Technology supporting centralized HR function
Kamila Grembowicz - Head GBS Delivery Excellence and Transitions at JTI
Robert Godziszewski - Senior Manager/Principal Consultant
6:15 - 6:30 Summary and closing
6:30 - 8:30 Networking and cocktail
PARTICIPATION IS FREE OF CHARGE and will be held in English.
Questions? Please contact: [email protected]
Please note that each registration requires confirmation by Organizers and the numbers of seats is limited.